Rocambole Magical Garlic


Now that winter is officially here roast garlic is becoming a staple in our kitchen. Since garlic is nature’s antibiotic, it’s great for wintertime when fortifying your immune system is most important. I try to pop over to Keith’s Farm at the Union Square Farmer’s market whenever possible because they have my favorite garlic variety. Ever since I tried their Rocambole (pronounced like rock’ n roll, but rock’m’bowl) garlic it’s difficult to settle for any other kind for several reasons. You’re always guaranteed big cloves in each head. I’ve never been a fan of garlic that has tons of small cloves within one clove, it requires so much more work. Also, there is a  juiciness to Rocambole, it has a superior amount of oil which makes it the perfect choice for garlic paste. I mince a couple cloves, sprinkle it with a good amount of sea salt, then spread it with the back of my knife. It’s my favorite way to cut garlic for sauces and marinades because you don’t get big pieces of garlic, instead the flavor permeates throughout.

The easiest way to get a dose of garlic is by simply roasting it the oven. Trim the hairy part at the bottom; slice off the top, drizzle the top with olive oil and a sprinkling of salt. I prefer to wrap it in parchment, making a little pouch and tying it with kitchen twine at the top, instead of using foil. Roast it in the oven at 375 for about 30 minutes. I like to serve it on a plate with brown bread. The other night I went to Isa in Williamsburg and my favorite part about the entire meal was the brown bread they served. I bought a loaf to bring home with me and smeared my roast garlic all over it. The crust is thick and difficult to slice but worth the effort, just be mindful with the knife!


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